Privacy policy

§ 1. General provisions

This Privacy Policy outlines the rules for processing personal data obtained through the website ( (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”).

§ 2. Data administrator

The owner of the Website and the data administrator is SMF PROJECT SANDRA WILDNER, located in Katowice (40-534), Sowińskiego 4, NIP 6272522448, hereinafter referred to as SMF.

§ 3. Type of processed data, purposes, and legal basis

SMF collects information regarding natural persons, individuals conducting business or professional activities, and individuals representing legal entities or organizational units that are not legal entities (collectively referred to as “Users”).

  • Personal data of Users is collected in the following cases:
    • registration of an account on the Website,
    • placing an order,
    • subscribing to the newsletter,
    • korzystania z usługi formularza kontaktowego,
    • Using the “Ask for an offer” service.

Registration of an account on the Website:

  • The legal basis for processing data is the necessity to perform the contract for account service (Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR).
  • During account registration, the User provides: email address, first and last name, phone number.

Placing an order on the Website:

  • The legal basis for processing data is the necessity to perform the sales contract (Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR).
  • Przy składaniu zamówienia Użytkownik podaje: adres e-mail, dane adresowe, imię i nazwisko, numer telefonu.

Subscribing to the newsletter:

  • The legal basis for processing data is the User’s consent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR).
  • When subscribing to the newsletter, the User provides: email address.
  • The User has the right to withdraw consent at any time.

Using the contact form service:

  • The legal basis for processing data is the necessity to fulfill the User’s request preceding the conclusion of a contract (Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR).
  • When using the contact form, the User provides: first and last name, email address, message content.

Using the “Ask for an offer” service:

  • The legal basis for processing data is the necessity to perform the contract (Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR).
  • When using the “Ask for an offer” service, the User provides: first and last name, email address, phone number, inquiry content.

§ 4. Rights of data subjects

  • Right to withdraw consent (Art. 7(3) GDPR).
  • Right to object to data processing (Art. 21 GDPR).
  • Right to data erasure (“right to be forgotten”) (Art. 17 GDPR).
  • Right to restrict data processing (Art. 18 GDPR).
  • Right to access data (Art. 15 GDPR).

§ 5. Protection of personal data

SMF makes every effort to protect Users’ personal data from unauthorized access or use.

§ 6. Data retention period

Users’ personal data will be stored for the period necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, unless legal provisions impose an obligation on the Administrator to store data for a longer period.

§ 7. Sharing personal data

SMF may share Users’ personal data with entities authorized to receive them under applicable law.

§ 8. Changes to the Privacy Policy

SMF reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy. Changes take effect upon their publication on the Website.

§ 9. Contact

For matters related to the protection of personal data, Users can contact SMF via email: or in writing to the address of SMF’s headquarters.